We change the world for you! And we change ourselves. Budimex announces ESG Strategy up to 2026

We change the world for you! And we change ourselves. Budimex announces ESG Strategy up to 2026

We change the world for you! And we change ourselves. Budimex announces ESG Strategy up to 2026


Budimex is stepping up its sustainability efforts. The ambitious goals that the company wants to achieve in the next 3 years include producing and using electricity from renewable sources, assessing business impact on water stress or implementing the equal pay principle regardless of gender.

Budimex’s sustainability goals presented are a continuation of the actions initiated by the company in 2021 within its CSR Strategy. The acquired knowledge and experience in the social and environmental operations has been changed into specific commitments to support the process of greening and responsible development of the entire Polish construction industry.

Budimex invariably focuses its attention on people. It has developed the main objectives of ESG Strategy, “We change the world for you! And we change ourselves”, viewing through the prism of the needs and expectations of employees, beneficiaries of the implemented projects, customers and partners of the company.

“For several decades we have been developing infrastructure, building private and public facilities that every day improve the quality of life. We know that we operate in one of the most carbon-intensive industry, so by changing ourselves we can do a lot of good for future generations. It is a question of responsibility, but also a well-thought-out business decision. It is impossible to promote ambitious company development without respect for the natural environment, for people and for honesty in management,” says Artur Popko, President of the Management Board of Budimex SAThis document presents our very specific idea of how we want to change ourselves and the world around us,” adds the President of Budimex SA.

Budimex’s ESG strategy for 2023-2026 is based on three areas: environment, social responsibility and corporate governance. Each of them has been carefully analysed and translated into specific actions based, among other things, on the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the UN Agenda 2030.

Being aware of the challenges faced by the business in terms of the environment, resources or social impact, we know that facing them requires a large-scale commitment. Our Strategy is based on a holistic approach, combining green transformation on our construction sites with strengthening dialogue with stakeholders and operating in accordance with Budimex’s values,” explains Ewelina Karp-Kręglicka, Director of the Director of Purchasing, Quality and Environmental Protection Office at Budimex SA.

Budimex wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. On the track to zero-carbon, it plans to further invest in the development of renewable energy, reduction of CO2 emissions and successive implementation of closed-loop economy principles throughout the construction process.

In 2026, 100% of the energy produced by the Budimex Group companies for the needs of Budimex will come from renewable energy sources. From 2024, the company will recycle around 70 per cent of soil and land and non-hazardous waste. It will also be one of the first companies in Poland to measure its water footprint.

We want to become an industry leader in the area of environmental protection. Recovering building materials, offering sustainable solutions to investors, producing our own energy from RES or protecting biodiversity are nothing new for us – we have been doing it for a long time. However, we want to catalyse our actions, since we want our industry to be more active and share good practices,” says Wioletta Roguska, ESG Manager, Director of Purchasing, Quality and Environmental Protection Office at Budimex SA.

In the social area, Budimex undertakes to strengthen diversity and equality in the workplace and further promote safety principles – both among employees, subcontractors and business partners. Budimex will also invest in industry education and care for the quality of life of local communities.

Budimex is all about people. Executing our projects, we try to address the needs of our investment beneficiaries. We ensure stable and comfortable working environment for our employees. We appreciate the role of women in the construction industry, we want to level the playing field and create new development opportunities for them. We also understand that our commitment may encourage young people to pursue their careers in the construction industry in the future,” notes Anna Karyś-Sosińska, Member of the Management Board, Human Resources Director at Budimex SA.

In the area of corporate governance, in order to be able to effectively and professionally implement the Strategy objectives, the company will strengthen its ethical culture and, later this year, incorporate ESG risks into the risk management system throughout the organisation.

The reputation and reliability associated with Budimex results from our competence, but also from the ethical standards met in our daily work. Our characteristic features are a long-term perspective of the market and our environment – hence we take a number of actions set out in the Strategy aimed at minimising risks along the entire value chain, including strengthening awareness of counteracting conflicts of interest, developing a Code of Conduct for Business Partners or taking care about cybersecurity,” emphasises Bogna Kuczyńska-Piech, Director of Corporate Legal Affairs, Attorney at Law at Budimex SA.

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